Welcome to TVVIN

We Unchain Real-World Assets Onchain

Empowering Investors with Real-World Assets & Real Yield

TVVIN is an accessible ecosystem that empowers investors in the Real-World Asset (RWA) Market. Through a decentralised platform, investors gain transparency and trust when investing in a diverse range of assets such as precious metals, real estate, intellectual properties, music rights, and more. The TVVIN platform provides a reliable and adaptable store of value, catering to the evolving financial landscape. Through our innovative vaults we allow holders to grow their portfolio, making what was previously dead asset come alive.

Gold unchained onchain

TVVIN introduces TVVIN Gold ($VVG) as its inaugural RWA-backed token with an initial supply of 10,000 kilos of LBMA Certified Gold. By integrating gold and, in turn, other precious metals onto the blockchain, TVVIN establishes a transparent and efficient environment for trading and investing in RWAs.

Setting Ourselves Apart in the Real-World Asset Market

TVVIN stands apart from traditional systems and other blockchain platforms through key differentiators. Its MultiRWA token allows investors to diversify their portfolio across multiple RWAs using a single index token ($TVVIN). In addition to the MultiRWA and single RWA tokens, TVVIN will also offer Sector Compound tokens, allowing for easy one-step investments into sectors without buying several individual tokens. Moreover, TVVIN's focus on assets like gold and other precious metals, served by its strong industry connections, provides investors with access to valuable and time-tested commodities that hold tangible values. With a commitment to trustworthiness and transparency facilitated by blockchain technology, TVVIN offers a reliable and decentralised investment platform for navigating and commanding the ever-changing financial landscape.

Own Real-World Assets & Earn Real Yield

TVVIN’s RWA Vaults allow holders to lock up their RWA tokens for a specified period and earn yield. In order to vault RWA tokens, a corresponding and required amount of TVVIN's utility token, $TVVIX must also be vaulted. Upon withdrawal of the RWA tokens from the vault, this corresponding amount of $TVVIX will also be released, along with the yielded amount of $TVVIX and a corresponding NFT certificate, called a vvNFT. The yielded $TVVIX together with the vvNFT can be exchanged into more of the RWA token that was vaulted, at which point the exchanged TVVIX tokens and the vvNFT will be burnt. The yield is generated from putting the underlying assets to work using low risk financial instruments.

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